Monday, September 27, 2010


Here the link to Wordle from the Weekly Reader.
For extra credit put all your spelling words into a wordle and print it out! :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Book Fair is Coming!

Here's a preview of the book fair that will be at our school next week.

Our class will be visiting the book fair at 11:30 on Wednesday.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Game Links

Here are those 2 games we played in class this week that you all loved so much!



Have fun practicing! :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Starry Starry Night

Today in class we drew "Starry Night" in chalk. Tonight's homework was about the artist of the painting, Vincent Van Gogh. Here's a neat little video showing all of Van Gogh's self portraits.

Why did Van Gogh paint himself so much?
Was he vain? No. The answer is in his own words below.

I purposely bought a mirror good enough to enable me to work from my image in default of a model, because if I can manage to paint the colouring of my own head, which is not to be done without some difficulty, I shall likewise be able to paint the heads of other good souls, men and women.”

~ Vincent Van Gogh

Here's a link to an interactive Van Gogh Exhibit by The Metropolitan Museum of Art
where you can learn about Van Gogh's life & work and also try drawing a picture like him!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Red Tide Vs. Oil Spill

Oil Spill

Red Tide

This week in science we were reading about two interesting topics, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and the natural phenomena of red tide. Each student wrote a paper comparing and contrasting the two.

Red tides and oil spills are alike in many ways. They both are hard to clean. Another reason why is they can make people sick. They can hurt and kill people. The oil spill and the red tide hurt a lot of animals, that is why they closed the oceans and beaches, so people won't get hurt. The oil spill and the red tide both spread very easy.
Oil spills and red tides are different in many ways. The oil spill is thick and brown. The red tide is algae and is different colors. Red tide is a natural disaster. The oil spill is a human caused disaster.

~ by Aricca

Images from:

Monday, September 6, 2010

Silly Bandz

If you're a kid or know a kid chances are you know what Silly Bandz are.
They're these groovy bracelets that are shaped like different things when they're not on your wrist, but on your wrist they look like a regular bracelet.
They can also be so distracting that some schools in the country have banned them.
Here's what a couple of your classmates had to say about that idea.

Should schools ban Silly Bandz? Here's what I think. I think schools should not ban Silly Bandz. They help kids express themselves. Also, you can see what they like. That's why I don't want them to ban Silly Bandz.
~ Brett

Should schools ban Silly Bandz? I think schools should ban Silly Bandz. Silly Bandz distract students from listening in class. Silly Bandz give you bad grades. Silly Bandz make teachers mad. That's why I think Silly Bandz shouldn't be at school. Kids don't listen and don't finish their work becuase of these bracelets.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Goodbyes : (

We were very sad to learn that Carl was moving away this week. : (
We'll miss you very much! We're very glad you were able to come say good bye to us and take a couple pictures to remind you of all your good times here.

Dennis also moved a few weeks ago, and we didn't even get to say good bye. We miss you too!!
You boys weren't part of our class for long, but you'll be part of our hearts for always!

BOTH OF YOU, if you're reading this...please contact Miss Jaster by email ( and give us your new address so we can write you lots of letters!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

School House Rock!

I bet some of your parents remember watching these videos when they were in school!
I know I do!

Here's a link to games about subject and predicate and more videos.
Types of Sentences Blog