Saturday, January 7, 2012

"Gifted" at Poetry.

Before Christmas my students wrote some poetry about gifts. Here are two of my favorites.

I have an exciting present under the colorful tree,
From santa Claus,
As precious as an angel's wings.
All bright on the outside with bright colors of
Sponge Bob & Patrick.
As colorful as a rainbow,
As heavy as a backpack filled with books.
It smells like tape,
It sounds like a box of legos,
What could it be?
Could it by a small toy,
A lot of hair clips,
Or a box of new crayons?
I have a strange present under the tree,
I wonder what it could be.


I have a green and red humongous wrapped present under the dark green decorated Christmas tree, from huge crystal white beard Santa Claus.
As precious as my great fantastic family.
All bright on the outside with blue elves and Santa in his gym suit, white snowflakes with a red and green background.
As colorful as the Vegas strip at night at wintertime.
As heavy as two tons of gas on diesel driving through Holbrook town in the cold winter.
It smells like eggs, bacon, sausage,toast and Christmas ham in the morning on Christmas Day.
It sounds like baby rattles and cracking bones and bacon sizzling in the pan.
What could it be?
Could it be a cow skin football or wide receiver gloves,
a Dez Bryant jersey, or a blue and red trampoline?
I have a gigantic present under the tree, I wonder what it could be.


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